The Net - biometric urbanism
The idea arrises from the possibility to differently interpret non static events, but give the option to be upgraded when and where they are placed in different locations. The elements on which I based my research can be found in Darwins theory of evolution that presumes the preservation of life can be garanteed only by constantly adapting to the everchanging environment ie. habitat.
The starting point of project were measurements, as in how systems, quantitativily arranged thus empirically authenticatable ( by measurement, counting, arranging by similarity,...) transfer or return to original state.
What is neccesary to build a sistem ?
What building bloks to choose and how ?
What is neccesary to place or insert ?
The process of the establishment is intended as an experiment of sistem building - designing, placeing and operating within temporary parameters with intension to search and understanding how sistems work and how can an artist operate within such sistem.
For the execution of such an experiment it is neccesary for a large number of participants to take part, groups of volunteers that expose themselves to a certain degree of experimentation and tests in different roles or caracters the intention to strengthen their position within the forming of the sistem.
The sistem becomes varied through the diversity of caracters and their interaction ( business connection , family ties... connections). In order for a successful functioning of the sistem it is vital that all the participants be aware of the interaction taking place.
The sistem is a controlled simulation comprised of elements, different with roles that caracters, after having adopted them, don't change.
Concept of sistem